Lark Sparrow Still in Toronto on 31 December

Declan Troy and I visited the.Lark Sparrow, which was still at Don Roadway and Lake Shore Blvd in Toronto on 31 December 2016 after being found on 7 December 2016 by Matt Dil.


It has lost most of its tail feathers. Only two remain. Glenn Coady summarized its Toronto occurrences on Facebook's Ontario Birds: "it is the 23rd record for the Greater Toronto Area (including breeding birds at High Park in the late 19th century) - and only the third record of one into December. Yes, this species bred much more widely throughout the northeast in the mid to late 19th century prior to urbanization and reforestation reducing the available habitat. It bred in the Black Oak Savannah at High Park in the 1890s between 1892 and 1899, probably every year." David Hussell in the First Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas 1981-1985 pointed out other areas in Ontario where Lark Sparrows formally bred: near London, Long Point and near Sudbury. During the first atlas the only record was a pair near Thunder Bay, which was suspected of breeding. However, the area near Long Point where it formerly bred had no sightings.


Link to Lark Sparrow on 8 December, the day after it was found

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