Tricolored Heron at Tommy Thompson Park in Toronto

Tricolored Heron is in Cell 2 at Tommy Thompson Park in Toronto on 21 July 2017. Glenn Coady reported on Facebook that this is the 12th Greater Toronto Area record and the second for Tommy Thompson Park aka Leslie Street Spit. Many thanks to Paul Prior for finding this bird on 20 July.


This Tricolored Heron is in molt. New wing coverts contrast with older brownish-maroon plumage. It's quite brown in other parts. It has a pale yellow eye in some photos, in others the eye colour seems to be yellowish-brown, 21 July 2017.


Cell 2 is a newly constructed wetland with fallen logs and aquatic plantings. There are lots of hiding places.


A group of Caspian Terns and Common Terns kept their eye on the Tricolored Heron. They did not like it getting too close. 21 July 2017