Kumlien's Gulls at Ashbridges Bay, Toronto, Ontario |
Note: Ron
Pittaway and I prefer the name Kumlien's Gull instead of Iceland
Gull because we regard Kumlien's as a reproducing hybrid population
between nominate Iceland Gull and Thayer's Gull. The variable
intermediate appearance of Kumlien's is well shown in photos on my
website. The two leading gull handbooks also use Kumlien's Gull when
referring to its English name (Howell and Dunn 2007; Olsen and
Larsson 2004). |
Adult Kumlien's Gull
at Ashbridges Bay in Toronto showing pale iris with light flecking. 28 December 2012. |
Declan Troy and I spent many hours
studying the gulls at Ashbridges Bay and Bluffers Park on 28
December 2012. Here's a selection of the Kumlien's Gulls at
Ashbridges Bay in east Toronto where Coxwell Avenue meets Lake Shore
Blvd East. There were 12-15 Kumlien's Gulls, though we weren't able to
photograph all of them. Scroll down for six photos then go to
Page 2: Bluffers Park. |
Same gull as above showing limited pale
grey pigmentation in the primaries. 28 December 2012. |
Adult Kumlien's Gull showing medium
amount of grey in the primaries. 28 December 2012. |
Good candidate for Thayer's Gull on 26
December 2012. |
Probable third winter
Kumlien's Gull on 28 December 2012 |
Second winter
Kumlien's Gull on 28 December |
Second winter Iceland
Gull showing white primaries. 28 December 2012 |
Now please go to Page 2:
Link to Bluffers
Park Gulls on 28 December 2012 |
Link to Declan Troy's flight shots on 28 December 2012 |