Honduras-Canada Trade Mission  12-18 March 2017


Cuero y Salado Wildlife Reserve - page 6 of 8

We took a quaint train to Cuero y Salado, stopping to bird on the way. 17 March 2017


Please click photo for video of train travelling through open country. It was lots of fun.


We encountered this White-faced Capucin beside the track.


Click on photo for video of this endearing White-faced Capucin


Northern Jacana adult left and first year middle with Purple Gallinule


Laughing Falcon


We took a boat ride to explore the river. Oliver Komar centre - please click for boat ride eBird checklist.


The banks were protected by extensive mangroves


Prothonotary Warblers are North American neotropical migrants overwintering in Central America.


Bare-throated Tiger-Heron


We saw a line of White-lined Bats. A Roadside Hawk flew at them and tried to catch one but wasn't successful.


Roadside Hawk


Green Kingfisher


First year Black-crowned Night-Heron


A very cryptic Lesser Nighthawk on a tall tree along the river bank.


Now go to Page 7