Wilson's Plover on the Toronto Islands

Glenn Coady found this very rare Wilson's Plover on Hanlans Beach, Toronto Islands, on 27 May 2015, 4th record for Ontario?


It was very active when I arrived with other birders at about 6:55 p.m.


It fed along the high water mark in amongst the sticks and other debris washed up. 27 May 2015. It was still there when we left to catch the 9 p.m. ferry.


Last report on Ontbirds was 29 May 2015


Wilson's Plover Birders

 Left to right: Glenn Coady (Wilson's Plover finder), Leon Schlichter, Nancy and Garth Riley, Daniel Riley, Nikki Huculiak, David Pryor, Lisa Teskey, Len Manning, Richard Poort, David Beadle, James Carrey, Andrew Don, Hugh Currie, Henrique Pacheco. 27 May 2015