Female Mountain
Bluebird at Halls Road, Whitby, Ontario, on 30 November 2015.
Digiscoped. |
2015 Index |
December |
Adult Thayer's Gull in winter plumage in Barrie, Ontario on 28
December 2015 - 4 more photos |
Two Second cycle Kumlien's Gulls at Bluffers Park on Lake
Ontario in Toronto, ON on 27 December 2015 - close to study plumage |
Juvenile and adult Thayer's Gulls in Barrie on 26 December 2015. |
Adult Kumlien's Gull missing lower part of leg. Minet's Point in
Barrie on 26 December 2015 |
Yellow Warbler
at Bluffers Park in Toronto on 24 December, found by Ron
Pittaway |
Sandhill Cranes near Keswick, Ontario on 22 December 2015 |
Snowy Owls in and around Toronto
in November - December 2015 |
Male Wood Duck at Ashbridges Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Toronto Christmas Bird Count 20 December 2015. |
First cycle Lesser Black-backed Gull at Ashbridges Bay Waste Water
Treatment Plant in Toronto on Christmas Bird Count 20 December
2015 |
Thayer's Gull, adult in winter plumage at Heritage Park in
Barrie on 17 & 18 December 2015 |
Pale Iceland Gull on Lake Ontario shoreline at Bluffers Park in
Toronto. 14 Dec 2015 |
Barrie Gulls page 3. 9-12 December 2015: Thayer's, Lesser
Black-backed, Herring, Great Black-backed Gull |
Barrie Gulls page 2. 9-12 December 2015: Little Gull |
Four new
videos of gulls feeding on abundant minnows on Lake Simcoe
in Barrie, Ontario |
Purple Sandpiper, Dunlin and more at the James Bay Shorebird Project
Reunion hosted by Doug McRae at Presqu'ile
Provincial Park. 6 December 2015 |
Mockingbird at Bluffers Park in Toronto on 3 December 2015 |
Second winter Kumlien's Gull at Bluffers Park in Toronto on 3
December 2015 |
Female King
Eider at Bluffers Park in Toronto on 2 December 2015 |
November |
Mountain Bluebird at Halls Road near Cranberry Marsh in Whitby,
Ontario on 20 November 2015 |
Barred Owl
resting with eyes closed at Cranberry Marsh in Whitby on 25
November 2015 |
Red-throated Loon at Bluffers Park in Toronto on 24 November
2015 |
swirling on Niagara River below Niagara Falls on 22 November
2015 - video and photos |
Red Phalarope in first winter plumage at Bronte near Toronto on
21 November 2015 - photos and video |
Swallows in Oakville near Toronto, 21 November 2015, a rare
opportunity to study and appreciate. |
Barrie Gulls page 1. Six
species of gulls in Barrie, Ontario on 15 November 2015 - Little, Lesser
Black-backed, Great Black-backed, Bonaparte's, Herring and
Ring-billed. |
Around Durham
Region's Waterfront on 11 November 2015 - Coyote, Deer, Gray
Catbird, Fox Sparrow, Red-throated Loon and Northern Herring Gull |
Barrow's Goldeneye on Leslie Street Spit (Tommy Thompson Park)
on 8 November 2015 |
October |
Gulls in Peru - six species at Pantanos de Villa - Belchers,
Kelp, Franklin's, Gray-hooded, Gray and Andean Gulls.- on 18 October
2015 |
Peru 2015 with Quest Nature Tours. 17-29 October 2015. Please
see 7 pages of photos. |
Immature Bald
Eagle at Ajax near Toronto, Ontario, on 12 October 2015 |
Cackling Geese at Cranberry Marsh on 7 October 2015 |
Shorebirds at Blenheim Lagoons near Chatham and Rondeau on 30
September and 5 October |
Laughing, Sabine's, Little, & More on the OFO Convention weekend
at Point Pelee, 1 to 4 October
2015. |
I removed
this American Bullfrog from centre of busy road outside main
entrance to Hillman Marsh on 5 October 2015 |
September |
FORECAST 2015-2016 by Ron Pittaway |
Thrush eating Pokeweed berries on 28 September 2015 |
Canada's Northwest Passage Expedition: Arctic birds, marine
mammals, Arctic flora. 24 August to 5 September 2015
August |
James Bay
Shorebird Surveys at North Point - 6 pages - 31 July to 14
August 2014 |
winter Little Gull at North
Point on James Bay on 10 August
2015. |
See 2014 movements of James Bay nano-tagged
White-rumped and Semipalmated Sandpipers here:
www.motus-wts.org - click on explore data - view tracks. One map
is for
White-rumped Sandpipers and Semipalmated Sandpipers
during their fall migration between
James Bay stopover sites and the East Coast,
and another is for
Red Knots
moving from the East Coast to Hudson Bay
coast and Nunavut during the spring migration and coming back during
the fall migration. See also map of receiver tower locations:
http://motus-wts.org/data/receivermap.jsp Thanks to Stu
Mackenzie for this info. |
Map of
2015 Southern James Bay Shorebird Camps |
July |
Five Merlins
seen together today on 25 July in Brookbanks Ravine, Toronto |
James Bay Map of Shorebird Camps in summer 2015 |
Active Purple
Martin colony near Sutton, Ontario on 23 July 2015 |
with Quest Nature Tours, 30 June to 10 July 2015 |
Red-necked Phalarope showing lobed toes and webbing on Flatey
Island, Iceland, 3 July 2015. |
Four young
Merlins fledge from nest in our Toronto garden. 18 July 2015 |
Nighthawk, one of two flying on Wylie Road at mid day, Carden
Alvar, 16 July 2015 |
Now four
young Merlins in our Toronto garden, 14 and 15 July 2015 |
young Merlins hatched from nest in our Toronto garden. 12 and 13
July 2015 |
Semipalmated Sandpipers and Least Sandpiper at Tommy Thompson Park
in Toronto on 12 July 2015 |
Short-billed Dowitchers at Tommy Thompson Park in Toronto,
Ontario, on 12 July 2015 |
June |
Swallow colony at R.C. Harris Water Treatment Plant (water
purification) in Toronto
on 22 June 2015 |
Merlins Nesting
in our back garden in Toronto. 21 June 2015 |
Upland Sandpipers on the Carden Alvar on 19 June 2015 |
Spotted Sandpiper - male - on old mullein stalk
at Bluffers Park
in Toronto on 18 June 2015 |
Bank Swallow
Colony at Bluffers Park in Toronto. 18 June 2015 |
Piping Plovers Update on 16 June 2015 - page 3 |
Piping Plovers are nesting in Toronto
I volunteered on 7 and 10 June - page 2 |
Very worn and faded Herring Gull in Toronto on 8 June 2015 |
May |
Semipalmated Sandpiper, Semipalmated Plover and Dunlins in May -
Toronto area |
Wilson's Plover on Toronto Islands on 27 May 2015 |
Piping Plovers on Toronto Islands on 27 May 2015 - page 1 |
1819 Whimbrels, including, 1 banded sighted at Whimbrel Point in
Toronto, 24 May 2015 |
A fallout of Whimbrels at Colonel Sam Smith, Toronto, Ontario on
25 May 2015 |
Whimbrel and CN Tower in Toronto on 21 May 2015 |
Short-billed Dowitchers at Reesor Pond in
Markham on 19 May 2015 - subspecies comparison |
Griseus subspecies of the Short-billed Dowitcher at Reesor
Pond in Markham on 19 May 2015 |
Wilson's Phalarope at Reesor Pond in
Markham on 19 May 2015 |
May - Point Pelee and Hillman
Marsh |
Griseus subspecies of the Short-billed Dowitcher near
Hillman Marsh on
7 May 2015 |
New shorebird identification sign at Hillman Marsh |
Point Pelee Birds - May 2015 page 1
- Eared Grebe, Summer Tanager, red morph Eastern
Screech-Owl, Pacific Loon, Hooded and Yellow Palm Warbler |
Point Pelee Birds
May 2015 page 2 - Rose-breasted Grosbeak,
Common Yellowthroat, Sandhill Crane, Mourning Doves, Veery, Gray
Catbird |
Point Pelee May
2015 page 3 includes Blanding's Turtles, melanistic American Toad,
5-lined Skink, Wild Turkey and White-crowned Sparrow |
Palm" Warbler at Point Pelee on 5 May 2015 |
Willets at Wheatley and American Golden-Plovers at Mersea C |
at Point Pelee on 15 May |
California Gull
in second summer plumage at Tip of Point Pelee on 12 May 2015 |
Eastern Whip-poor-wills at Point Pelee on 2 and 6 May 2015 |
April |
Baird's Sandpipers at Blenheim Lagoons on 30 April 2015 - rare
in spring |
Two Dunlin at Blenheim Lagoons on 30 April 2015 |
Yellow Rail singing at Sedge Wren Marsh on the Carden Alvar on
29 April 2015. See also
Birding Guide to the Carden Alvar |
Loggerhead Shrike on the Carden Alvar on 19 April 2015. |
OFO trip to
Algonquin Park on 18 April 2015 |
East Point
Bird Sanctuary in east Toronto - a wild gem overlooking Lake
Ontario on the Scarborough Bluffs |
Neotropic Cormorant at Tollgate Pond in Hamilton on 3 April 2015
- Shorebirds
of Southern Ontario - a photographic guide by Jean Iron.
NOW Available |
Shorebird Viewing at Hillman Marsh: May 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14
and 16 |
Shorebirds Workshops at Point Pelee National Park in May 2015 |
Paul Nicholson's article in London Free Press about shorebirds at
Hillman and Point Pelee April 2015 |
How to See and
Hear an American Woodcock - adapted
from Ron Pittaway's article first published in OFO News Vol
15 (2): 6. June 1997. |
March |
Orillia Packet reports on my Arctic presentation to Orillia
Naturalists. I thank Quest Nature Tours for travel opportunities
to Iceland & Greenland. James Bay Shorebird Surveys as a volunteer
were with Canadian Wildlife Service, Ontario Ministry of Natural
Resources and Royal Ontario Museum. |
Wildlife of Iceland, Arctic Canada and Greenland in
Orillia presentation on 4 March 2015. |
February |
Toronto's Heermann's Gull 14 November 1999 to 16 September 2000.
An enquiry from Nancy Barrett prompted me to post photos and article
about this super gull from the pre digital era. Posted 10 February
2015. |
Subspecies of
Common and Hoary Redpolls - fully revised January 2015 - UPDATE
7 Feb: Roxane Filion's photos of Hornemann's Hoary from South
Porcupine and Matt Walter's photo of a leucistic Common Redpoll from
North Bay. |
Adult male and a female Snowy Owl
north of Toronto on 5 February 2015. |
More Variation in Iceland and Kumlien's Gulls at Bluffers Park
in Toronto in January and February 2015. 11 photos. |
Mink, Ducks and
Gulls at Bluffers Park in Toronto on 1 February 2015. |
January |
Pair of Eastern Screech-Owls sunning themselves in Toronto on 31
January 2015 |
Subspecies of
Common and Hoary Redpolls - fully revised January 2015 |
Adult Thayer's Gull in winter plumage at Bluffers Park in
Toronto on 12 January 2015 |
Lake Ontario
Winter Waterfowl Count - Tommy Thompson Park Route in Toronto
on 11 January 2015 |
Redpolls near
Keswick, north of Toronto on 6 January 2015 |
Snowy Owl with ear
tufts near Keswick, north of Toronto on 6 January 2015 |
Three Kumlien's Gulls at Bluffers Park in Toronto on 3
January 2015 |
winter Cape May Warbler in Markham, Ontario on 1 January
2015 |